Think of Pokemon + Championship Manager + Dota Auto Chess!
Collect a team of robots. We call them Raivos. These are highly advanced creatures that are quick at learning. They start with no knowledge, so everything they learn, through advanced machine learning, they learn from you.
We've built an all-new AI toolset specifically for games in mind. When you train your Raivos, they don't just level up -- they actually learn from you and apply the new skills in practice during the game. Over time, they develop their own personality. Your Raivos will become your pets.
Compose your team, equip and train them, and enter them into an online arena for a match against Raivos trained by other players!
These robots are the smartest creatures ever seen in games. Combined with state of the art graphics, watching the robots fight it out is like watching an action movie, or the most intense eSports game.
Coming out to PC in 2021!
Later coming for iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch as well. Featuring cross-platform multiplayer so you can have your robots combat with the robots of your friends no matter which platform everyone uses!
Want to be among the first to try out Raivo? Click here to sign up now! The first lucky players will get to try the sneak peek version in Q2 2020, and more players will be added weekly.

There is an ever expanding roster of Raivos available from two different manufacturers, each sporting their own unique abilities. We have bipedals, quadropods and antigrav Raivos to suit every desire. Some are small and agile, some are heavy with tons of capacity to carry equipment. Each Raivo requires different training strategy to get the most out of them.
There are a number of weapons and tools to connect, and of course you will need to train your robots how to use the add-ons.

Fighting skills are only part of the fun - your robots also need to look cool. Dress them up the way you want to show off their unique personalities. You can even customize their facial expressions!

Raivo is powered by UtopAI, a machine learning engine that makes it really easy to use powerful reinforcement learning algorithms in games.
Machine learning allows behaviors that are totally unique and based on training the player does. The robots will become pets with their own personality.
We have developed UtopAI for the purpose of being able to make this game, as there is nothing in the market that would meet our demands. UtopAI will be released for use by other game developers in 2021.
VentureBeat: Utopos Games raises $1 million to make AI-based robot battle game Raivo
The intelligent robots of Raivo are based on UtopAI, a new reinforcement learning library developed by Utopos Games. UtopAI is an AI library designed for games. With integrations to Unity and Unreal Engine, UtopAI makes it very easy for game developers to include machine learning in their games. [MORE]
GamePress: Raivo brings Advanced AI to the Gaming World
Raivo seems like the next generation in gaming technology. The use of AI in this capacity has the ability to break open so many more opportunities in the gaming world. It is a fascinating use of technology and I can't wait to see how it is utilized. I already signed up for the pre-alpha in hopes of getting a sneak preview of the action because when this game launches, I have a feeling it is going to be big. [MORE]
Gaming Street: Machine learning-based game Raivo gets $1 million in seed funding
Las Vegas-based studio Utopos Games has received $1 million in a seed funding round led by the co-founder’s former employer, byFounders. Utopos CEO Jani Penttinen served as an entrepreneur in residence at the VC fund for just five months before launching the studio, which plans to release its first PC game in Q2 2020. [MORE]
Gamasutra: Utopos raises $1 million to gamify machine learning with debut title Raivo
The fledgling studio, which was founded by a veteran team who first worked together on the Command & Conquer series two decades ago, explains Raivo will allow players to collect and train a team of fighting robots that will enter into battles against bots trained by other players. [MORE] Suomalais-amerikkalaisen Utopos Gamesin tuleva peli Raivo sai taakseen 1 miljoonan dollarin siemenrahoituksen
(in Finnish) Raivo on auto-battler-genreen kuuluva peli, jossa tehtävänä on kerätä ja kouluttaa robotteja. Robottia voi muun muassa kouluttaa valitsemaan kohteensa tai toimimaan ryhmässä. Raivo käyttää uutta UtopAI:ta, joka on “koneoppimismoottori”. UtopAI kehitettiin Utopos Gamesin toimesta erityisesti Raivoa varten, mutta yhtiö julkaisee sen muidenkin pelinkehittäjien käyttöön vuonna 2020. UtopAI tukee muun muassa Unreal Engineä ja Unityä. [MORE]

Is Raivo a mobile / PC / console game?The short answer is: yes! Raivo will be available on PC first, with Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android versions coming out later.
When will Raivo be released?Raivo will be out on PC in 2021, with console and mobile versions coming out later. The Raivo Alpha on Steam is schedule to lauch Q2 2020. Sign up for access below.
How much does it cost?Raivo is free to play, meaning you can download, install and play it absolutely free. You will be able to buy costumes for your robots, season passes and other cosmetic enhancements, but none of that is required. There will not be any way to pay to win.
Who is the developer of Raivo?Raivo is developed by Utopos Games, an independent game studio based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Utopos is a team of veteran game developers who first worked together at Westwood Studios on Command & Conquer games, and have since then been leading roles at many well known studios. Utopos was founded in 2019.
Are these images real screenshots from the game?The images displayed on this website are from in-game, but some of them have been enhanced in Photoshop. The game is due to be released in 2021, and the way it looks may still change. However, if anything, we expect it to look even better!
Can I beta test Raivo?Yes! We will begin our "pre-alpha" testing in Q2 2020, where some players will get a chance to try our an early sneak-peek version of the game. Testing the game with live audience is important in getting the playability just right, so we will continue testing through the rest of 2020 and into 2021. If you want to be one of the first to try out Raivo, please sign up below - we will be sending out invitations in small groups initially, and widening the test group as the game is getting closer to launch.
For Raivo press kit, please click here.